

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Movie Inspiration...

So sometimes I go to the movies and I actual gain a spiritual aspect out of it.. So my parents and I decided to go see Season of the Witch.. Sounds like a delightful movie right... hmm Well needless to say it wasn't what I expected especially from the trailers and advertisements.. but it reminded me that we are in the last days, and how if we are weak minded and do not have our act together we will FALL into Satan's traps.. But the glorious part of being from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is I have priesthood holds in my life, from my Papa, Daddy, boyfriend, and friends.. And oh how much of difference that makes in my life. Also this movie showed me that I think sometimes we don't realize that our blessing from god is gained through our obedience not only to not give into temptation but to act or do! Our blessings are our weaknesses turned into strengths.. I know I never thought of it that way.. haha but I think that is some of our blessings we get, because the only way we strengthen out weaknesses is through our Heavenly Father! God will always provide a way no matter if it seems like no hope there will always be hope! I think this movie also showed me how we can be deceived by those around us and not be sure of the truth that is what our Heavenly Father is for! We must put our trust in him so that we may do great things in our life for him, and to not let things get in the way of that! Well I hope you enjoyed my little inspiration!
Shanel Sue...

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