

Friday, September 5, 2014

Taylor Swift

So if you can't tell this post will be about Taylor Swift. If you know me or are my family and you ask who is Shanel's favorite singer? I am pretty sure 99% of the time they would say Taylor Swift. I can honestly say that Taylor Swift has been an example to me since I was in high school. We could relate in so many ways and we weren't even real friends. But her songs touch young girls and  now even women in so many ways. Between not fitting in, crushes that never notice you, to horrible break ups, and even bullying. I have talked on my blog about women just letting go of their judgments and just living their life. But recently Taylor Swift has shown me again why she is one of my examples and that is from this article.

A young girl about to start high school was feeling judge and never good enough and reached out to Taylor Swift. Not only did she respond she reminded us that people will just be MEAN. That no matter what you do it will not change because it is people that are the problem not just kids like Taylor stated.

These children that are growing up now are learning from everyone around them, how to act, how to talk, and how to treat people. We are the problem a lot of the time, because we judge people for their dreams and for some reason get jealous when those around us are more talented or express their dreams. But why? Why do we do that?

Is it pride, jealousy or all of the above? Taylor reminded me today to look at myself and remind myself to NOT be the problem today. To be a better person today and to not let anyone crush my dreams no matter who they are.

Think about her new song "Shake it Off", she reminds us that no matter who we are we will be judged, we will be put down. But how we react to those critics is what really matters. Let go of those that have hurt you in the past or even today and be the person you want to be!

So yes I love Taylor Swift because even as a celebrity she is herself and no one else. That's what makes her a great a example in my eyes. Sure she dates a lot people but so did I, sure she talks about her break ups, and enemies but who doesn't. She just reminds us that she is human, makes mistakes and in the end puts the words right into our mouth that we wish we said at that moment in our lives!

So my challenge for those that just gave a judgment today is to look at yourself, how is that judgment helping those around you or the person you are judging?

My challenge to those that feel judged don't let their insecurities make you insecure! You are perfect in the eyes of God and talented in your own way. Do the things you want to do and let the "haters hate". And remember Taylor Swift has felt what you feel! So find a song that relates and just dance until you feel better! That's what I do ;)