

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thinking I know it all!!

I am the type of person that thinks I know it all at times and know what I am doing. However Heavenly Father knows better then that, and knows I don't know everything so he gives me trials to figure the rest of the world out. Being here in Rexburg I guess I do feel the spirit of BYU-I OR AKA Spirit of Ricks! People told me they have either loved it up here or they have hated it. Know I see, Here at BYU-I they have a standard, standards of being professional and genuine. The people are the nicest people you meet. The teacher are there to spiritual teach you and to educate you. I see a temple up on the hill as I walk from class to class, reminding me of why I am here and what my ending goal is, which is to be in that temple, to return to my Heavenly Father with Armor! I love how because of the "strict rules" and standards set here you have a respect for the campus and a respect for yourself and everyone around you. It's a feeling you never want to lose or forget.
These past 2 weeks I have felt very little and back at the bottom of the food chain, however with great roommates who are supportive and just know how to make me laugh I have risen to the top. We are all committed to doing homework before play, which eliminates any stress or last minute frustrations! We work out together to keep our bodies in shape and to prevent from gaining the freshman 15.. I have lost 5 pounds actually between all the walking, dance classes, and working out.
I have learned to listen to the simplest things from my mom, I really love how my mom can listen to me think about what I am having a melt down over and she knows just what to say. The comfort of a mom, and the love from a mom is the most remarkable thing and I hope to be at least half the women my mom is, when I am at that stage of life. Just how the other night I was freaking out about the future and how all my choices lead up to that one moment and going on and on and my mom simply replied "Just become all you can be as a person and the right person will find you you wont have to find him, you will just know, stay focused on creating who you are inside and who you want to be.... Love you!" That simple advice calmed my thoughts and helped me to move past it.
It's just how the simple promptings I get from my Heavenly Father as I go to the Temple. I entered the Temple this morning at 5:30am. My ward had asked to go so Caitlin, Emily and I woke up and ready to walk half a mile to the Temple up hill in 40 degree weather. It was so great =/ however so worth the feeling and gratitude I got for doing it =). The Rexburg temple has only been open for 2 years and the design of the baptismal fount is out standing. Well we got to the temple a little early and was one of the first groups there, which gave us a chance to talk to our bishop a little bit. Then we sat down in the front. Read some scriptures which I turned to D&C 109, perfect scripture for being in a temple, it talks about the Kirkland Temple, the importance of it and to what should happen in it. I also read some talks that really inspired me. Caitlin and I waited for a long time to go, I took this time to sit there and ponder and feel and hear the spirit as to what I need to be doing. It was an amazing feeling to feel, to know that my Heavenly Father loves me and gives me the advice I need. To let me know I am worthy to be in such an amazing place at this time!
I may think I know it all but Heavenly Father has a way of showing me and teaching me that I still have a lot more to learn. That is the blessing of this life that I am gaining knowledge that I will keep the rest of my life.
I am also blessed to get the opportunity to be involved in an organization at my school to where I will be teaching with a partner, teaching students who are on probation's with the honor code... I will get to talk with them about talks that we have read and ways to better our selves. My hope is to guide them towards the Atonment. The antonment isn't only for big mistakes but also for the little ones. If you rely on the Atonment you can be perfected in the way god wants you to be, but the only way you do that is if you let Jesus take upon your burdens, frustrations, and fears. We don't have to do anything a lone, we always have Jesus Christ our Brother who lived and died for us. I am excited to get this opportunity and to help those around me. Its not for me to judge but for me to love and help.
Well I guess I have figured out a lot in these past two weeks, I guess I am excited to see what the rest holds for me.
Love Shanel!!

This is from the flower Garden

My Roommates!!

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