

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life is Complicated!! I Love Rexburg

So yesterday I had a bit of a melt down and my roommate Cici helped me through it. My emotions are a little all over the place, probably because its almost that time of months, you guys know how this goes!! haha Well I am in a bit of a pickle and still don't know how I'm going to solve it but I will figure it out as it goes. Thinking of the past and future can kind of freak you out a little bit, but I guess that's what college does to you haha. Especially here and BYU-I crazy!! College is going great!I'm getting my homework done and studying really hard! I'm aiming for straight a's and so far so good! I will say that BYU-I has such a spirit to it! I feel the spirit every where I go I see this beautiful temple everywhere I go. There are beautiful gardens everywhere! I love it I am in love with Rexburg! It is amazing being at a school were the gospel is centered in every discussion. I also got asked to be a teacher once a week!! I will be teaching students at the college to honor the honor code! I will be teaching students that are struggling with keeping the honor code.. I will have a companion that I take turns with. I am really excited to do this, and a little honored that I was asked! So that is basically what is going on in my life right now! Well I guess I will catch you up on the weekend also. Saturday my roommates and I got up at 9am and studied and finished our homework till 5pm, then we decided to go out. Laura Mickle, Caitlin, and I went to Sammy's which is this great burger shop down the street from our dorms and they have live concerts in the middle of the street. So these random bands played then Mindy Gledhill was the last singer and she did amazing and is so cute. She told us all the stories behind her songs and now I think of them everytime I hear the songs. Well Sunday we got to our ward and went to Sacrament, then sunday school, and the relief society!! It was packed we are in the 60th ward lol almost all the young men are return missionaries, so that's a little weird. I have just been hanging with the girls though so it has been nice! then today we went to devotional and it was by Elder CLark our principle and his wife it was really good. It was about keeping spiritual posion out of the body and to protect our selves. Well it was a long day and ended with a walk around campus and now I'm off to bed =) =) Shanel Sue...
This is from Sunday Caitlin and Cameron thought it would be funny to put pepper in my cookie... not fun hahaha

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