

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just thinking Out Loud

So today I have been thinking about somethings in my life and kinda wonder a little bit. Maybe how people are crazy and do crazy things by trying to break people up or ruin their life.. maybe out of a little jealousy or that they are mad that they aren't with that person who they think fell so "deeply in love with"! Or they feel that they were the reason for changes in that persons life. However maybe this person doesn't realize that they just weren't meant to be and that they should stop meddling in peoples lives and just let that person be happy. Why does it matter so much to that person that another person is with that person and that they are so happy together. Why try to ruin the happiness of that person, maybe you think you are looking out for the other people, but maybe you should realize its time to move on and to grow up a little.
Idk people just bug me sometimes, and I wonder sometimes why they just don't get it or understand or why they care so much.. But I guess God put crazies in our life to keep us on our toes. =)
That's just my thoughts today


  1. i think i'd have to agree with this a little. it reminds me of older people telling younger people not to get married at a certain time b/c it's practically throwing their life away. kinda annoying. we should do something at some point, whether it's something here or twizlberry in rexburg ;)

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