today was a great day besides being tired from Priest Laurel conference last night.. It was along night but I learned a lot. It was a great day though because all the girls in my ward all ended up together!! which was so much fun!! The first class we went to was Social With a guy that teachers at efy he explained to us that girls see the big picture, and boys have drawers that they open at a time.. that really does make since, that's why girls can multitasks better :) Well We also had a lesson on holding to the rod no matter what.. and to not be scared to share the gospel!!! The gospel is such a precious thing we have in our lives, do not be ashamed of it..
I also gave my talk in Sunday which i typed today.. I was so tired when i got home i just did it this morning..
This is my talk: Good morning brothers and sisters, what a beautiful day it is. I was asked today what it is like living in the world today? Wow the world we live in is full of beauty, which our Heavenly Father created, we get to see the tree’s flowers, and animals he made and loved. We also have Satan’s influence in the world today causing heart ache, depressions, and questioning of our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost. We as members are being tempted ten times as hard because we have the true gospel and are trying to share it with the world. How great it is to know where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. You may not realize this but many people and other churches do not know. A sister missionary that has been out only for 4 weeks talked to us at PLC about how she joined the church. She told us she grew up in a family that didn’t go to church and didn’t push religion on their children. When she was little she was ask really broad questions, like where did I come from why am I here, where do we go when we die. Her parents just told her if she believed in God she would go to heaven. That wasn’t enough for her so she searched and went to other churches searching for the answers but the other Christian church didn’t fulfill her questions so for a while she just went to this main church because it was fun, she didn’t think there was a true church with all the answers. In high school she dated a boy that was from the church but she didn’t know that even after a year of dating they weren’t really active and the only time they acted like they were was when family came into town. So there family came in they said family pray read their scriptures together and went to church on Sunday. She didn’t recognize the family. However the next week the missionaries showed up at her house she took the lessons and was baptized into the church and is now serving a mission.
Brothers and sisters how great it is for us to have the gospel which teaches us all the principles we need in our life. Our church is Jesus Christ church, our church is set up just how Jesus Christ wanted it and had it when he was on the Earth. Through Hard times in our Life either Job loss, test of faith, Divorce, problems in the family. We need to rely on our Heavenly Father to be there for us. Yes life is not easy but a saying that my mom has in our house with Jesus on it says, “I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it.” I have grown up with that saying all my life and no matter what the circumstance My Mother has shown her faith in the lord by always paying her tithing. She tells me if I don’t pay it, my world will fall apart, we will not have those blessings with us.
As a Young adult I still have not been through most of the things you have been through. However I do know that this gospel is what gives us the courage to say I’m not going to give into what Satan’s wants, I’m not going to justify things, I’m not going to get depressed or feel sorry for my self, I will not blame god because he is giving me this trial, so I may learn something I need. We have to remember Heavenly Father sent us down on this Earth to gain a body to prove our selves worthy to go to the Celestial Kingdom.
Living in the world today is not easy in any shape or form, but neither was it easy when the pioneers lost their families, and left everything for the gospel of the church, if anything we should look to them as hero’s and to thank them for never giving up. They believed in something so strong that nothing would stop them to find Zion. In institute last week Brother Straighter Gave an amazing lesson on brothers Holland talk from last General Conference. If you haven’t listened to it or read it go home and read it. It is the most powerful testimony of The Book of Mormon I have heard this generation. But at the end of the discussion he asked us “If you had to declare to the world and God the Book of Mormon is true, what would you say?” He left that with me and I think about that question everyday. But this is the point I want to get out of that, is if we have a full testimony of the gospel, anything Satan throws at us we will not fall Just like it says in D&C 6:34 “Therefore, fear not little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.” And then D&C 6:36 “look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not”.
The end is near and Satan will not go down with out a fight, so we need to prepare and to have the armor of god on with no weak spots.
At PLC Brother Manning told us that we should look at General Conference and a Food Buffet, and asked do you leave a buffet hungry? And if so whose fault is that? He said General conference is the same; we should never leave listening to conference with a hunger not fulfilled. He also asked what behavior you changed after those talks. He said every time General Conference comes around we should be changing apart of our behavior which does not pertain to the gospel or Heavenly Father. He pushed on that our family is our support system and that no matter what we should never push them away but to let them in and to help, even parents as you and your spouse are going through life together never be scared to rely on each other for help and guidance, never feel like you will show weakness by asking your husband or wife to help you through anything. We must come up with our own since of eject button when a bad habit or action comes to mind.
No one is perfect in this world, which is why we are at church, not to say oh I am perfect that is why I am at church, no we are at church to learn and grow a better understanding of our heavenly father so that someday we may be perfect just like Jesus Christ.
Take life in each and everyday our time on this earth is precious, Take the beauty in and let it refresh your mind, take walks at a park. Have a time of day where you can listen to the spirit for guidance. Remember what is most important in life and to not let anything get in the way of that.
I bare you my testimony that no matter the trial, the temptation, you are strong to get through it. You are each a child of god even the adults. And I say these things name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Brothers and sisters how great it is for us to have the gospel which teaches us all the principles we need in our life. Our church is Jesus Christ church, our church is set up just how Jesus Christ wanted it and had it when he was on the Earth. Through Hard times in our Life either Job loss, test of faith, Divorce, problems in the family. We need to rely on our Heavenly Father to be there for us. Yes life is not easy but a saying that my mom has in our house with Jesus on it says, “I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it.” I have grown up with that saying all my life and no matter what the circumstance My Mother has shown her faith in the lord by always paying her tithing. She tells me if I don’t pay it, my world will fall apart, we will not have those blessings with us.
As a Young adult I still have not been through most of the things you have been through. However I do know that this gospel is what gives us the courage to say I’m not going to give into what Satan’s wants, I’m not going to justify things, I’m not going to get depressed or feel sorry for my self, I will not blame god because he is giving me this trial, so I may learn something I need. We have to remember Heavenly Father sent us down on this Earth to gain a body to prove our selves worthy to go to the Celestial Kingdom.
Living in the world today is not easy in any shape or form, but neither was it easy when the pioneers lost their families, and left everything for the gospel of the church, if anything we should look to them as hero’s and to thank them for never giving up. They believed in something so strong that nothing would stop them to find Zion. In institute last week Brother Straighter Gave an amazing lesson on brothers Holland talk from last General Conference. If you haven’t listened to it or read it go home and read it. It is the most powerful testimony of The Book of Mormon I have heard this generation. But at the end of the discussion he asked us “If you had to declare to the world and God the Book of Mormon is true, what would you say?” He left that with me and I think about that question everyday. But this is the point I want to get out of that, is if we have a full testimony of the gospel, anything Satan throws at us we will not fall Just like it says in D&C 6:34 “Therefore, fear not little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.” And then D&C 6:36 “look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not”.
The end is near and Satan will not go down with out a fight, so we need to prepare and to have the armor of god on with no weak spots.
At PLC Brother Manning told us that we should look at General Conference and a Food Buffet, and asked do you leave a buffet hungry? And if so whose fault is that? He said General conference is the same; we should never leave listening to conference with a hunger not fulfilled. He also asked what behavior you changed after those talks. He said every time General Conference comes around we should be changing apart of our behavior which does not pertain to the gospel or Heavenly Father. He pushed on that our family is our support system and that no matter what we should never push them away but to let them in and to help, even parents as you and your spouse are going through life together never be scared to rely on each other for help and guidance, never feel like you will show weakness by asking your husband or wife to help you through anything. We must come up with our own since of eject button when a bad habit or action comes to mind.
No one is perfect in this world, which is why we are at church, not to say oh I am perfect that is why I am at church, no we are at church to learn and grow a better understanding of our heavenly father so that someday we may be perfect just like Jesus Christ.
Take life in each and everyday our time on this earth is precious, Take the beauty in and let it refresh your mind, take walks at a park. Have a time of day where you can listen to the spirit for guidance. Remember what is most important in life and to not let anything get in the way of that.
I bare you my testimony that no matter the trial, the temptation, you are strong to get through it. You are each a child of god even the adults. And I say these things name of Jesus Christ Amen.
I also got the news that my parents and little sister were leaving to Arizona tomorrow.. that my Grandfather was dying.. So i will be home and my side kick for the week will be Megan!! We will have to much fun!!! However I am sad that i can not go with my family however i have responsibilities here by going to school and taking care of the little girl we nanny.. My grandfather knows I love him.. I wish he could see me graduate this May, I wish I would have went and saw him last month when I went to Arizona, but could never find the time to go visit... Remember to always see your family.. you never know when it will be the last time.. I do not like funerals, because I know this is not the end.. I know that he will be taught the Gospel in the Spirit World and I will see him again... How grateful I am to know that there is a plan for me and my family!!
I admire my dad and the strength he has.. He has not seen his father in 2 years and now gets to see him right before he dies.. This week I will get the true feeling of living on my own in a way.. I will be responsible for my actions and choices and will Choose The Right because i have people in my life that will be watching me ;) well It will all be good..
Love Shanel
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