

Monday, January 20, 2014

Today, Tomorrow, and Forever!

So day marks my 6th day of Body Rock 30 day challenge. Wow do I really love it, its crazy because I usually get really bored with work outs but not with these. They are different and challenging each day. I also am beginning to feel stronger which is great. I have really found motivation in posting pictures after each work out and getting great responses and encouragement from all my friends and family.

I read something that really got me thinking. On one of my friends blogs Yours Sincerely. She talks about how our actions and what we do and say on Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram and Ext can really influence people and how they think of us. I have actually thought about this a lot lately as well. I have actually been adding people that inspire me to my Instagram feeds and Facebook such as Al Fox (Carraway), , and so on. So as I am looking through my feeds I can get inspiration. Sometimes I read an article that someone has shared/posted and I get upset about something in it or disagree with something and then I will scroll down and read a scripture verse. Sometimes I even read a different article and it is uplifting and positive.

I think thats what motivates me to post my picture. I hope it inspires you and makes you want to get up and accomplish your goals and dreams.

It is said that it takes 2 weeks to create a habit, bad or good. So if you make one bad choice and then let that choice define you. You will create a pattern of bad decisions (Thats just my own thought). However if you make a bad decision and then choose to make a better one the next time, that is called progress. One thing I have learned especially in my calling in my ward. Is that I am not perfect, I am not able to be the super women I would like to be. I will make wrong decision and I will hopefully make good decision. But one thing is for sure I learn from my mistakes.

This life is all about learning and making decisions. Whether they are good or bad. That is up to us. We have agency to choose how we act, talk, react, and even criticize. One thing is for sure we can always change, and always make better choices.

I hope I motivated you or got you thinking today!!

If you don't mind sharing, what are some of your goals or habits you would like to start?

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