Today will mark my the last day of my first interval run and now onto week 2. Its amazing how fast it goes by and how much easier it feels by started from the bottom and working your way up. My friend and I were talking about some of the health ideas we are trying to do and keep in our families to help them have healthy habits. Both our husbands are not really up for a total make over and would rather not worry about being healthy, but not everyone can have their figure.
So my friend and I try to come up with compromises that won't make them feel like they are dying. My idea is to take 3 days out of the whole week and just do 3 healthy meals that I get from this blog
Undressed Skeleton . A lot of the recipes look really good and are not hard to make. It can be really expensive to buy all healthy food for a week, or even months worth. However I figure if I find recipes that have similar ingredients it will not be a waste and doing it only 3 days week will help me start stocking up on things such as nuts, and whole grain products.
Many diets and fitness instructors will tell you to go through and throw a way all your junk food or things that are not good for you. However as a poor college student that just seems like a waste of money. Plus I have a husband that loves chips, candy, cookies etc. So I try to limit myself by placing things I like in a baggy, I know how many are in there and what the calorie intake is of each one. Yesterday my husband brought me a cinnamon roll home, He is s nice. But as I looked at it I couldn't stop thinking about the calorie intake. So I cut it in half and then that half pieces in half again. Put it on a plate and had a little. There are always solutions to over indulging.
Another thing my friend and I talked about was how so many people (on that documentary I recommended to you all yesterday) would say they didn't have self control. To me this seemed not to be the right answer. We all have self control, sometimes we just have to take control of the food that comes into our life. No one makes me order a hamburger, fries, and a soda every time I go out to dinner. However, I could order a hamburger and split it with my husband or friend and then have a side of fruit and water. What the eye see's the eye wants. So if you place it in front of you, you will eat it. But if you tell yourself will this help me or will this hurt me then you can start eating right by exchanging things. I read in a fitness book one time that a person not on a "Diet" can go hours without food. However once they put themselves on a "Diet" they are hungry all the time, and tell themselves they can't have this or that because they are on a diet. STOP! Don't ever tell yourself you are on a diet or that you can't eat this or that. If you look at a food you really like but you know you shouldn't eat, tell yourself this, " I can have that, but I am choosing not to" Try it! It really works. This helps you to feel in control of your life. It also makes you accountable for what you are eating. Don't let food take control of your life, don't let it be an addiction you can't control.
If you think about it this could be a temptation from Satan to try and make you addicted to food that is not good for your body, which then can cause weight gain, severe health problems, which bound you to expensive medications, doctors, a shorter life span and not to mention not being able to do all the things you would like to do. Now there are health conditions out there that can make it difficult to lose weight and physically disable you from being able to walk, run and other work outs. But if you have a goal in mind and look for ways to change unhealthy habits it will make a difference.
This life style might seem expensive, hard, and even impossible. But don't let excuses prevent you from having the life you always dreamed of. To be healthy and fit. When I say healthy and fit I don't want you to think of models or even athletes. Simply that your body is functioning properly, you don't have limitations because of weight and food. You are in full control of your body and mind.
Everyone is always looking for a quick fix when in reality you can simply make a few changes at a time, lose weight, gain muscle, and be happy with yourself because you did it through hard work and determination, not through expensive surgeries, or unhealthy diets that only work temporarily. If you are not willing to take action you may lose a little weight but old habits will creep right back in, and nothing gets solved. Think of the person you would like to be, things you would like to see and do. Be DETERMINED to be that person. Be the example to your family and get educated on being Healthy. Have the energy you always wanted and the body you always dreamed of!
Happy Friday and good luck this Weekend!!!
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