

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Meaning of Education

So growing up I have always been told you need to go to college you will love it and it will be very rewarding. However I have hit a point in my college life where I didn't feel what I was doing was what I really wanted to do. My husband and I have been praying about it and I have decided that I am not on the right track to where I should be going. So what now, do I just quite college or do I create a new goal? The answer is to make a new set of goals. People always ask me what I like to do and I always seem to answer "I like to party". You may laugh but it is true, I love putting parties together and celebrating life. However one of my other passions is to help people change for the better. So I have decided to get my associates and then become a fitness instructor for a gym. This is something I love to do and I get to do both of my passions Party and Support others.
Now some of you may not agree with this decision and may think oh she is just giving up. That is what I thought for the longest time, but as I have prayed and took counsel from my wonderful husband. He told me that I can still be considered educated even just being a fitness instructor. We want our children to know that education needs to be important in their lives, but we want them to find and do the things they love. Education doesn't have to mean the amount of degrees you have. We should be living lives that are full of constant learning and educating ourselves on the things we love and are curious about.

So after this fall I will be graduated with my Associates and then moving on to getting certified as a Fitness Instructor. Call me crazy but I am so excited about this decision and can't wait for what the future holds for me.

Okay now onto the Yummy food I have been cooking
Last night I made this delicious Creamy Broccoli Casserole

Here is the ingredients
2 chicken breasts Shredded chicken (either boiled or baked in the crock pot)
1to 2 cans Cream of Mushroom
Broccoli (fresh or frozen)
and shredded cheese


  1. Pre-heat oven 350
  2. Make sure you cook the chicken and shred it
  3. Then just combine all ingredients in a bowl
  4. Place in a baking pan
  5. put shredded cheese on top 
  6. Then put in the oven for 25 min.
Its really that easy, you don't need to add any spices it taste delicious.
I hope you enjoy and take the challenge to do what you love

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