So today is probably a very special day for me! This very day last year was the day I told my best friend I loved him! I finally realized that everything I was avoiding a pushing away was something I needed in my life. I think he wonders sometimes why it took me so long to figure it out, but for me I think like most good things in our lives, it takes time and effort to find that love. When you are friends with someone for a long time you get to know them from the inside out, and you learn their secrets and everything about them, which almost helps you to develop a Christ like Love for them! When you know you can love that person unconditionally, when you can understand that person without them saying a word, when you don't judge thm for their weaknesses, I think that is when you know... I can't say this last year has been easy, and I know I have made mistakes but I do know that this day means a lot to me even at this time! By this time next year I will be very exacted because I will only be 6 weeks away from seeing my best friend after 2 years!
Receiving a letter on this day from my best friend was almost an answer to my prayers! Growing up is hard and confusing especially when its your life, and your decisions! You figure things out as they go and you learn. All I can say is no matter what I can always count on my best friend to be there for me, no matter what happens. I can't say I deserve that unconditional love or understanding, but I can say I appreciate it, and cherish it. You only find that love with time, Patience and effort. It's when you least expect it when something amazing happens and almost all your dreams come true. Don't be scared of love, love is what brings family and friends together. Cherish that love you have with friends and family and let that love grow!
Love Shanel
These are some pictures he sent me:
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