So many people think oh Life guarding is an easy job, all you do is sit there and watch a pool. Okay I am here to tell you that is false! I have been a Life Guard for the YMCA in Houston Texas for a year now and about to quiet to go to college, and have to say I am tired out!!! Summers are crazy with screaming kids, extremely hot weather, sunburns building, and the smell of sweat, sunblock, and chlorine all day! You have to keep crazy little boys in line and make sure they are not breaking rules, make sure parents are in the pull with there 3 year old, and make sure you are scanning or not goofing off because you get into trouble.
Out of the whole summer, this was my longest day! I worked from 6:45-5:30 yeah open to close! So I get to work and of course the other guard wasn't there, so I had to wait while people at 6 in the morning pill into the pool ready to swim. Finally he gets there and so I hope up and he unlocks the locker rooms. The mornings however have been amazing staying in the high 70's and low 80's till about 1pm is great! The feeling of Fall is beginning! Well water aerobics starts so I move the lane ropes of course the lap swimmers get made because they have to move and start throwing a tantrum... Then after that I let a lane rope fall great so I jumped in and the water is 81 degree's so its freezing, it takes me going back and forth in the water to get them all set right again. Well then maintenance comes in and says they need to pool vacuumed because they are draining it tonight (easier said then done, this is a six lane lap pool with a 10ft deep end yeah the a shallow part on the other end! So I get right on it and move the lane ropes again.... I get the first 2 lanes clean as I could then the other guard got down did the others, the hose part came of so he had to jump in and reset it. So by the time we got to the last 2 lanes of course after 30 min of trying to get it to work again it is tired and decides to not suck the water anymore... So we did our best... Well basically after that I am told oh before you leave you have to clear the deck of all the chairs and tables.. hmmm great okay.. so 4 o'clock comes around and so I start stack the the plastic chairs and take the heavy wooden chairs out side off the deck... well then the other guard get s down and goes in the office.. 15min later she stacks a couple of chairs and then goes back in the office so basically, I stacked all the chairs pushed them out side picked up the medium wooden tables and then dragged the heavy ones out side also.. I got all the kick boards and mater swim gear of the deck and put away noodles and toys and trash.. yeah I'm pretty sure I got my work out today! And now you can see Life Guards don't just sit there.. Oh and your saying oh that's just because they were draining the pool.. ahh no that's an easy day usually, I'm checking chemicals, calling maintenance, cleaning tiles, vacuuming the pool, dealing with up set parents and adults about rules, and this and that, cleaning the deck, washing and scrubbing the deck.. Yeah its hard labor and I'm trained to save peoples lives. I have to swim a 500 yards every week (you try it)! Its awesome having the certification but it can be hard work! I can say I have made some great friends there, especially with all the girls and their drama and love problems. My bosses are the funnest people I have met, I'm sure they have corrupted me a little bit ;) but it has been a great time at the Y I have enjoyed it, any job has its ups and downs but mainly I am ready to leave for college =) So that was basically my day today also =)
Shanel Sue...
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