So Yesterday at Young women's all the Laurels planned the activity of going through the Plan of Salvation together. So each one of the girls was over a part of the P.O.S and then we each got up and presented which part we had and what we learned about! I had the kingdoms of heaven and it went very well! My mom helped me set up which was amazing!!! She did an awesome job, I can't believe I didn't take pictures. But anyways I had everyone crying even me! hahah well The Plan of Salvation is something that means the most to me!! Its where we will be someday and why!
Today on the other had was a horrible day, I didn't wake up for school, so I did some homework and mom came to me really up set about my older brother Jeff. Him and his family do not believe in the same thing we do and does not like us pushing our beliefs on him. Well my mom was going to spend money she really didn't have to send him out here and his family for my graduation, and to let my nieces stay for a month with grandma :). Well they told my mom the only way she can keep them is if she didn't take them to church well she was very upset and hurt. She wants to show her awesome children off at church and they wont even simply go to sacrament with us... Well lets just say my older brother will not be down here for my graduation! :( I think it is very sad that families can't get along. I have always wondered why he left the church and I really do think it is because he wants to live the ways of the world instead of what is right. I believe in this church so much and have such a strong testimony of the church that I really do think I couldn't live without the church in my life. If he could just see how easy it is and how the gospel makes life so simple, not easier but more simple! I think that is the hardest thing for me to get over and to except. My family will not be united and just a family there will always be that boundary that is Between us.
I love T.J. he is so funny; he is my other older brother, I talked to him about the whole thing and he said I can see it both ways but it is moms money and choice. I asked him "is it really that big of a deal to go to sacrament so mom can show off her kids?" He says " no its not that big a deal because I am LDS" I just laughed.. I think that he does believe in the church he just has some bad habits he needs to get over hahah.. He cracks me up. Well I guess its just going to be T.J, Christina, Nana and Papa that come out! Oh well it will still be lots of fun :) I love my family even though they drive me crazy but I think that's one thing that I do understand is I love them no matter what :)
So hard! I am so sorry.