So Mondays I usually go over to Grandma Allen house to help Karrie (Derek's mom) with her scrapbook business, putting kits together for her classes. Well this Monday she helped me put together a great, I guess you could call it a "candy note". See today is New Beginnings for Young Woman's and each of the presidents and counsalors had to put a little hand out together. So of course I go to the amazing Karrie for something crafty and cute :). It is so cute and perfect for Divine Nature which is the value I picked. Well I got there early because I figured I could put it together real fast then help her with her kits. Well lets just say I am new to the technical stuff with Scrapbooking! So it took me a lot longer then I expected. Karrie is very patient, I'm sure she learned that from having 6 boys. However I messed up a lot and just wanted to leave it the way it was, Karrie she wants it to be perfect, which is not a bad thing at all (Derek is a lot like her I have noticed), it helps me to learn not to just give up when I am frustrated, but if I take some extra time it will turn out :).. I understand that the little things really do matter and made it look ten times better. She is also an awesome cook!
It was Dillon's 14th Birthday which of course he loved the attention! She made this kind of Mexican food type soup with a salad and pineapple! It was very good, then for dessert she made this chocolate cake, but it was a chewy brownie almost with chocolate chunks with fondue chocolate on the top, then topped off with strawberries!! It was delicious!! I enjoyed just hanging out with her and the boys, they are like the little brothers I never had!!! You know kids just in the kitchen two boys one girl there are bound to be messing around. Between the sandwiching and who is stronger, it's pretty entertaining.
Oh I also got a letter from Derek that day! I was excited because I didn't get one last week but figured he was busy :).. Well he had a lot to say and is very excited to be out there. He does miss home a little but not to much; that's pretty normal. He has developed a deep love for others, he realizes how much the lord truly cares for them even when they deny him or don't want to listen to the Gospel! It's really cold there but heavenly father is giving him a lot of energy while he is doing the work. He also responded to my Priest/Laurel letter which is probably why I got a 5 page letter! What is funny because I learned a lot about how boys minds function and so forth, so I told him about it and he replied that yes boys can be dumb sometimes, and really don't ever grow up "if you give a man a toy, he will play with it!", However I am still the guy that fell in love with you on the dance floor!" that is my favorite quote by Elder Allen!
I never thought that somewhat dating someone on there mission was a good thing or would be easy, but it really hasn't been that bad. I do miss him a lot but hearing what he is exercising and how he has grown so much in just about 3 months is amazing!! I truly do not know what the future has in store but I know that I have the Gospel in my life and "My plan" which never goes according to plan, but my goal for the next 3 years is to get my Bachelors degree in 3 years! then I will be ready for what is in store for me next, mission, getting my Doctoral degree in Science/Chemistry , or getting married! Who knows, Heavenly Father seems to go against my plan sometimes so I am not having a set plan! :)
Love Shanel
You give me too much credit. you are amazing and I love having you around. Thanks for letting me help you. You do so much for me It was nice being able to return the favor. I will always be grateful for having you help me.