

Monday, January 20, 2014

Stacey's Baby Shower

Sorry everyone I forgot to add this Last Summer!

I have been putting together one of my really good friends baby shower which has been a lot of fun.
here colors are orange, navy blue, and gray and can I just say I love the colors. The decoration have really come together and here is where I got all my ideas

First were the invites you can use this really for any occasion and they look professional and cute.
You can find a lot of cute party labels, and other things you need for the party there also.

Second was the banner, I unfortunately do not have a cricket so I had to go to a local craft store and use their cut outs but they are supper cute. I did Orange flags, with navy blue letters and then cute and Elephant out and put it in the middle. This idea came from my own head =) I really love making banners. (You can kinda see it here, sadly I didn't get a picture!)

Third are the geometric shapes (instead of lanterns). These are made from tissue paper and are super easy to do. I liked this better because Stacey is having a boy and doing tissue flowers or lanterns just seem a little girly to me. I just love this and its unique to anything I have seen.

Fourth would be the activities. So we have 3 activities that we are having the girls do.

  1. The guest book: instead of a guest book we are doing this cute picture with a baby elephant hanging from "string" which people will write their names on cut-out dots and then glue them on the picture. This way Stacey has a record of who came and can use it as decoration for the babies room. (the link doesn't show you how to make this, but its pretty easy to print a calendar off and buy a stamp that matches the theme)

  1. The diaper changing bucket: This is for the ladies that are attending to write encouraging messages to Stacey, so when she has those late night baby changes she can be reminded of all the women who love her.

  1. Decorating Onsie's: We want the ladies to be able decorate a onsie for Stacey so she has a little piece of her friends with her when she leaves in September.

Today, Tomorrow, and Forever!

So day marks my 6th day of Body Rock 30 day challenge. Wow do I really love it, its crazy because I usually get really bored with work outs but not with these. They are different and challenging each day. I also am beginning to feel stronger which is great. I have really found motivation in posting pictures after each work out and getting great responses and encouragement from all my friends and family.

I read something that really got me thinking. On one of my friends blogs Yours Sincerely. She talks about how our actions and what we do and say on Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram and Ext can really influence people and how they think of us. I have actually thought about this a lot lately as well. I have actually been adding people that inspire me to my Instagram feeds and Facebook such as Al Fox (Carraway), , and so on. So as I am looking through my feeds I can get inspiration. Sometimes I read an article that someone has shared/posted and I get upset about something in it or disagree with something and then I will scroll down and read a scripture verse. Sometimes I even read a different article and it is uplifting and positive.

I think thats what motivates me to post my picture. I hope it inspires you and makes you want to get up and accomplish your goals and dreams.

It is said that it takes 2 weeks to create a habit, bad or good. So if you make one bad choice and then let that choice define you. You will create a pattern of bad decisions (Thats just my own thought). However if you make a bad decision and then choose to make a better one the next time, that is called progress. One thing I have learned especially in my calling in my ward. Is that I am not perfect, I am not able to be the super women I would like to be. I will make wrong decision and I will hopefully make good decision. But one thing is for sure I learn from my mistakes.

This life is all about learning and making decisions. Whether they are good or bad. That is up to us. We have agency to choose how we act, talk, react, and even criticize. One thing is for sure we can always change, and always make better choices.

I hope I motivated you or got you thinking today!!

If you don't mind sharing, what are some of your goals or habits you would like to start?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

What a Great Week!

So this week I finally started a 30 day challenge with #bodyrocktv  they have this awesome 30 day challenge where they send you a 12 MINUTE work out. Let me tell you it kicks my butt. I am sore after 4 days and I am so happy its day 5 (resting day). Now I have no excuse for not working out or going to the gym! I have 12 minutes in my day to do this. My goal for January is to continue the 30 day challenge to not give up no matter how sore I get.

I hope you are all accomplishing your goals you have set for the new year. If you haven't set any goals take sometime and really think about things you want to change. Make sure they are realistic for you and that you have some kind of system to keep you motivated. My motivation for this 30 day challenge are the fact that it is 12 minutes and how pathetic it would be not to keep going. =) I also am tired of not feel comfortable in a swim suit. So I figured instead of complaining and winning the whole summer, I would work hard these next 6 months. Then really enjoy myself a little more this summer.

Also last winter was my first winter in Idaho and lets just say I can't wait for it to be my last! I really struggled with my work out routines and gained 10 pounds. I also watched way to much t.v. and eat a lot of junk food. So I now have two jobs and a full time calling in my ward that keep me busy and then now my 12 minute work outs to keep me fit and feeling good.

The thing about working out is not to become this over muscular woMAN, but for me to feel better about myself and to help the winter go by a littler faster. Do things that make you feel good, and helps you forget about the bad just for a lithe bit. Girl time is a must for all women. Single, married, ext. Do over look it or forget it, because one day you will wake up and wonder where all your friends have gone. Believe me it has happened to me.

Some things to look forward to: Oh and I will be giving one of my friends a baby shower in February so stay tuned for all the fun decorations I do! The color theme is Grey and Pink! My favorite!