Last night was great Megan and Thais stayed over so we had a bunch of girl talk all night plus we went to Institute where we learned that what is in your heart matters the most.. what you mean to do and so on... then we got home at a some what decent time; even though it was raining.. Then we went to bed.. in the morning Thais wakes up and say Shanel it 6:30, and I was a little out of it then she said it again and I finally realized what she was saying and jumped up and said oh crap.. well there was no use in trying to make seminary.. I mean three girls one bathroom IMPOSSIBLE haha well then Megan realized that her brother was picking her up and called Taylor to tell him we were home!! well then Thais said I really don't want to go to school and I said okay.. so we notified our moms and went back to sleep for a couple more hours.. Well i woke up to give Russell his food when i noticed he broke loose.. he was at the Wilkinson's then a truck went by and he started to chase it.. lets just say i haven't seen it since.. then I went and got Thais up and we went looking for him and never found him :( .. so we went home laid down for a while then got up, got dressed and left to get Megan... We spent time at her house going through clothes and shoes.. then headed off to The Woodlands to get a wedding present for Jacob Stutz our bishops son.. ate at Johnny Rockets Thais first time... then left for our prom meeting with the girls which was way fun :) and now chilling at home about to have a movie night... way fun
Love Shanel and I love Megan and Thais!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Week of Freedom (so I thought)
Well I thought being home with out parents would be a dream come true!! hahah I love my parents but being 18 and in your last year of high school your ready to go to college!! But even though they were gone I still have some responsibilities.. I have to wake up let the dogs out.. pray they don't take off from me, go get ready for school.. eat breakfast, bring the dogs in, pick the girls up for seminary, go to school come home do the same thing with the dogs, then i help Sister Stutz for her sons reception on sat.. then go get Sydney the little 6 year old my family nannies, make sure she is fed and has all of her work done, then I either have church things or things to go get.. I have never had an experience of feeling like a mom!! I learned to appreciate my mom a lot more because she does twice that everyday... and still runs me around :) ... I don't like coming home from school now because I miss my mom running around bossing me around and kind of irritating me.. :) Just doing what moms do best..
Megan and I at night are like college roommates.. We have so much fun and most days I'm the one who gets her up seminay but the days I don't want to get up she gets me up :).. We have been working on being late to seminary which today we kinda lagged on but we did go to bed early, so we were a little confused.. haha oh well.. Thais and Megan are staying the night tonight so it should be sooo much fun!!
Love Shanel
Megan and I at night are like college roommates.. We have so much fun and most days I'm the one who gets her up seminay but the days I don't want to get up she gets me up :).. We have been working on being late to seminary which today we kinda lagged on but we did go to bed early, so we were a little confused.. haha oh well.. Thais and Megan are staying the night tonight so it should be sooo much fun!!
Love Shanel
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Death is not the end
So today at 4:27 p.m. My grandfather Harold R. Sorensen passed away after i told him good bye over the phone... He couldn't talk but i know he heard me, My dad said i needed to talk to him because he was holding on for some reason and they thought it was because i wasn't there. So I told him that I loved him and that i was sorry I wasn't there. I told him to not hold on, that he was going to a better place and to meet with his parents again. I told him that he was a great grandfather and that I would miss him, but I knew we would see each other again. It is weird to think that one of your family members is gone, you feel almost in a twilight zone. My grandpa was only 73 when he passed. I am grateful that I have the gospel in my life that teaches me of the Plan of Salvation. How blessed I am to know the plan that Our Heavenly Father has set up for us. When I got the news almost 1 hour after I talked to him that he passes, I was sad that he had dies, but I know i will miss him. See I am the type of person that doesn't like drama, Deaths, or bad news, I almost isolate myself from the world, because I want to figure things out for myself (I think I got that from my gradpa, he is very stuborn). My parents new if I would go that I would push away for a little bit instead of dealing with it at hand, (my future husband will probably be oppisite and know what to do). I am not saying I am emo or anything I just dont like to show that I am crying, or sad, or even sick. I am used to being the strong one who keeps everything together.. I did have my crying moment because yes it is very sad when someone dies. However I know I will see him again and now I know he will be there to see me walk at graduation! Wow this year has been filled with surprises.. I am grateful for my dad who is being sp strong and shares with his family the importance of the gospel. Even though they don't believe in the same things . I have learned that keeping in touch with your family is very important and that is one thing i regret.. not calling my grandparents enough!! I will work on that more!!
My week on my own so far has been lots of fun with Megan Diuguid by my side, We saw Zombie Prom then watched a movie called One Good Man, and didn't get to bed till 12.. then got up for seminary.. haha its already feels like a college experience.. :)
My week on my own so far has been lots of fun with Megan Diuguid by my side, We saw Zombie Prom then watched a movie called One Good Man, and didn't get to bed till 12.. then got up for seminary.. haha its already feels like a college experience.. :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A new Beginning and a week that will be a growing experience!!
today was a great day besides being tired from Priest Laurel conference last night.. It was along night but I learned a lot. It was a great day though because all the girls in my ward all ended up together!! which was so much fun!! The first class we went to was Social With a guy that teachers at efy he explained to us that girls see the big picture, and boys have drawers that they open at a time.. that really does make since, that's why girls can multitasks better :) Well We also had a lesson on holding to the rod no matter what.. and to not be scared to share the gospel!!! The gospel is such a precious thing we have in our lives, do not be ashamed of it..
I also gave my talk in Sunday which i typed today.. I was so tired when i got home i just did it this morning..
This is my talk: Good morning brothers and sisters, what a beautiful day it is. I was asked today what it is like living in the world today? Wow the world we live in is full of beauty, which our Heavenly Father created, we get to see the tree’s flowers, and animals he made and loved. We also have Satan’s influence in the world today causing heart ache, depressions, and questioning of our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost. We as members are being tempted ten times as hard because we have the true gospel and are trying to share it with the world. How great it is to know where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. You may not realize this but many people and other churches do not know. A sister missionary that has been out only for 4 weeks talked to us at PLC about how she joined the church. She told us she grew up in a family that didn’t go to church and didn’t push religion on their children. When she was little she was ask really broad questions, like where did I come from why am I here, where do we go when we die. Her parents just told her if she believed in God she would go to heaven. That wasn’t enough for her so she searched and went to other churches searching for the answers but the other Christian church didn’t fulfill her questions so for a while she just went to this main church because it was fun, she didn’t think there was a true church with all the answers. In high school she dated a boy that was from the church but she didn’t know that even after a year of dating they weren’t really active and the only time they acted like they were was when family came into town. So there family came in they said family pray read their scriptures together and went to church on Sunday. She didn’t recognize the family. However the next week the missionaries showed up at her house she took the lessons and was baptized into the church and is now serving a mission.
Brothers and sisters how great it is for us to have the gospel which teaches us all the principles we need in our life. Our church is Jesus Christ church, our church is set up just how Jesus Christ wanted it and had it when he was on the Earth. Through Hard times in our Life either Job loss, test of faith, Divorce, problems in the family. We need to rely on our Heavenly Father to be there for us. Yes life is not easy but a saying that my mom has in our house with Jesus on it says, “I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it.” I have grown up with that saying all my life and no matter what the circumstance My Mother has shown her faith in the lord by always paying her tithing. She tells me if I don’t pay it, my world will fall apart, we will not have those blessings with us.
As a Young adult I still have not been through most of the things you have been through. However I do know that this gospel is what gives us the courage to say I’m not going to give into what Satan’s wants, I’m not going to justify things, I’m not going to get depressed or feel sorry for my self, I will not blame god because he is giving me this trial, so I may learn something I need. We have to remember Heavenly Father sent us down on this Earth to gain a body to prove our selves worthy to go to the Celestial Kingdom.
Living in the world today is not easy in any shape or form, but neither was it easy when the pioneers lost their families, and left everything for the gospel of the church, if anything we should look to them as hero’s and to thank them for never giving up. They believed in something so strong that nothing would stop them to find Zion. In institute last week Brother Straighter Gave an amazing lesson on brothers Holland talk from last General Conference. If you haven’t listened to it or read it go home and read it. It is the most powerful testimony of The Book of Mormon I have heard this generation. But at the end of the discussion he asked us “If you had to declare to the world and God the Book of Mormon is true, what would you say?” He left that with me and I think about that question everyday. But this is the point I want to get out of that, is if we have a full testimony of the gospel, anything Satan throws at us we will not fall Just like it says in D&C 6:34 “Therefore, fear not little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.” And then D&C 6:36 “look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not”.
The end is near and Satan will not go down with out a fight, so we need to prepare and to have the armor of god on with no weak spots.
At PLC Brother Manning told us that we should look at General Conference and a Food Buffet, and asked do you leave a buffet hungry? And if so whose fault is that? He said General conference is the same; we should never leave listening to conference with a hunger not fulfilled. He also asked what behavior you changed after those talks. He said every time General Conference comes around we should be changing apart of our behavior which does not pertain to the gospel or Heavenly Father. He pushed on that our family is our support system and that no matter what we should never push them away but to let them in and to help, even parents as you and your spouse are going through life together never be scared to rely on each other for help and guidance, never feel like you will show weakness by asking your husband or wife to help you through anything. We must come up with our own since of eject button when a bad habit or action comes to mind.
No one is perfect in this world, which is why we are at church, not to say oh I am perfect that is why I am at church, no we are at church to learn and grow a better understanding of our heavenly father so that someday we may be perfect just like Jesus Christ.
Take life in each and everyday our time on this earth is precious, Take the beauty in and let it refresh your mind, take walks at a park. Have a time of day where you can listen to the spirit for guidance. Remember what is most important in life and to not let anything get in the way of that.
I bare you my testimony that no matter the trial, the temptation, you are strong to get through it. You are each a child of god even the adults. And I say these things name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Brothers and sisters how great it is for us to have the gospel which teaches us all the principles we need in our life. Our church is Jesus Christ church, our church is set up just how Jesus Christ wanted it and had it when he was on the Earth. Through Hard times in our Life either Job loss, test of faith, Divorce, problems in the family. We need to rely on our Heavenly Father to be there for us. Yes life is not easy but a saying that my mom has in our house with Jesus on it says, “I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it.” I have grown up with that saying all my life and no matter what the circumstance My Mother has shown her faith in the lord by always paying her tithing. She tells me if I don’t pay it, my world will fall apart, we will not have those blessings with us.
As a Young adult I still have not been through most of the things you have been through. However I do know that this gospel is what gives us the courage to say I’m not going to give into what Satan’s wants, I’m not going to justify things, I’m not going to get depressed or feel sorry for my self, I will not blame god because he is giving me this trial, so I may learn something I need. We have to remember Heavenly Father sent us down on this Earth to gain a body to prove our selves worthy to go to the Celestial Kingdom.
Living in the world today is not easy in any shape or form, but neither was it easy when the pioneers lost their families, and left everything for the gospel of the church, if anything we should look to them as hero’s and to thank them for never giving up. They believed in something so strong that nothing would stop them to find Zion. In institute last week Brother Straighter Gave an amazing lesson on brothers Holland talk from last General Conference. If you haven’t listened to it or read it go home and read it. It is the most powerful testimony of The Book of Mormon I have heard this generation. But at the end of the discussion he asked us “If you had to declare to the world and God the Book of Mormon is true, what would you say?” He left that with me and I think about that question everyday. But this is the point I want to get out of that, is if we have a full testimony of the gospel, anything Satan throws at us we will not fall Just like it says in D&C 6:34 “Therefore, fear not little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.” And then D&C 6:36 “look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not”.
The end is near and Satan will not go down with out a fight, so we need to prepare and to have the armor of god on with no weak spots.
At PLC Brother Manning told us that we should look at General Conference and a Food Buffet, and asked do you leave a buffet hungry? And if so whose fault is that? He said General conference is the same; we should never leave listening to conference with a hunger not fulfilled. He also asked what behavior you changed after those talks. He said every time General Conference comes around we should be changing apart of our behavior which does not pertain to the gospel or Heavenly Father. He pushed on that our family is our support system and that no matter what we should never push them away but to let them in and to help, even parents as you and your spouse are going through life together never be scared to rely on each other for help and guidance, never feel like you will show weakness by asking your husband or wife to help you through anything. We must come up with our own since of eject button when a bad habit or action comes to mind.
No one is perfect in this world, which is why we are at church, not to say oh I am perfect that is why I am at church, no we are at church to learn and grow a better understanding of our heavenly father so that someday we may be perfect just like Jesus Christ.
Take life in each and everyday our time on this earth is precious, Take the beauty in and let it refresh your mind, take walks at a park. Have a time of day where you can listen to the spirit for guidance. Remember what is most important in life and to not let anything get in the way of that.
I bare you my testimony that no matter the trial, the temptation, you are strong to get through it. You are each a child of god even the adults. And I say these things name of Jesus Christ Amen.
I also got the news that my parents and little sister were leaving to Arizona tomorrow.. that my Grandfather was dying.. So i will be home and my side kick for the week will be Megan!! We will have to much fun!!! However I am sad that i can not go with my family however i have responsibilities here by going to school and taking care of the little girl we nanny.. My grandfather knows I love him.. I wish he could see me graduate this May, I wish I would have went and saw him last month when I went to Arizona, but could never find the time to go visit... Remember to always see your family.. you never know when it will be the last time.. I do not like funerals, because I know this is not the end.. I know that he will be taught the Gospel in the Spirit World and I will see him again... How grateful I am to know that there is a plan for me and my family!!
I admire my dad and the strength he has.. He has not seen his father in 2 years and now gets to see him right before he dies.. This week I will get the true feeling of living on my own in a way.. I will be responsible for my actions and choices and will Choose The Right because i have people in my life that will be watching me ;) well It will all be good..
Love Shanel
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A Fun Weekend
Well I am happy finals week is over... Now to my last semester in high school!! i never thought that day would come.. Friday after school Ali, Julia, And I went to Chili's and Ali's faience was there and Caleb and Bopp decided to join.. it was a great afternoon just hangout with friends and also celebrating Ali graduating early..
Sat i went to work which was a pretty easy day then went over to Ryan Reichert's house.. I got there before he did so i hung out with Cne, his little sister who i love dearly!! we just sat there hung out.. then Ryan came home then we all went to Toco Cabannas one of my favorite places to eat and now theirs (i think)... Cne and Makenna didn't want to go to the movies with us so.. we took them home talked with his mom (who loves me) lol.. and then left to see Leap Year even the second time it was good.. Ryan asked if i wanted to just go back to his house to hang out longer so i did.. We played Wii which really got intense especially when i beat him at tennis haha.. it was awesome because he thinks he is amazing at everything ;) ... then we all went to Sonic and got some drinks which was way fun.. because there was a bunch of cops across the street and something was going down!! haha Cne said they tried to rob a bank, I said they were probably racing.. oh well.. Then we went back to his house to wait for my Madra to pick me up :) so we just watched tv i was way tired.. Ryan and i have been friends for 3 years now.... but really haven't had the time to hang out so it was really nice to just chill with him and Cne
Sunday was pretty good... I helped a lady during sacrament with her children since her husband wasn't there.. i tried to help keep them from running around.. so that was neat.. Had a youth conference meeting which i think i have to re-do everything i planned.. which is okay i understand which is ever better for the youth :) ... Cant wait to hear from Derek it has been a while.. because the mailing system is so funny there.. Hopefully he has been getting my letters...
Well good night
Sat i went to work which was a pretty easy day then went over to Ryan Reichert's house.. I got there before he did so i hung out with Cne, his little sister who i love dearly!! we just sat there hung out.. then Ryan came home then we all went to Toco Cabannas one of my favorite places to eat and now theirs (i think)... Cne and Makenna didn't want to go to the movies with us so.. we took them home talked with his mom (who loves me) lol.. and then left to see Leap Year even the second time it was good.. Ryan asked if i wanted to just go back to his house to hang out longer so i did.. We played Wii which really got intense especially when i beat him at tennis haha.. it was awesome because he thinks he is amazing at everything ;) ... then we all went to Sonic and got some drinks which was way fun.. because there was a bunch of cops across the street and something was going down!! haha Cne said they tried to rob a bank, I said they were probably racing.. oh well.. Then we went back to his house to wait for my Madra to pick me up :) so we just watched tv i was way tired.. Ryan and i have been friends for 3 years now.... but really haven't had the time to hang out so it was really nice to just chill with him and Cne
Sunday was pretty good... I helped a lady during sacrament with her children since her husband wasn't there.. i tried to help keep them from running around.. so that was neat.. Had a youth conference meeting which i think i have to re-do everything i planned.. which is okay i understand which is ever better for the youth :) ... Cant wait to hear from Derek it has been a while.. because the mailing system is so funny there.. Hopefully he has been getting my letters...
Well good night
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Kindness is Key
So today was a little bit of a downer just because i had to take my Math final!! ah.. but anyways I went through it as best i could and then was off to Year Book.. Caleb came walking up.. i guess because after math we always walk to class talking about whats going on in our lives.. but he made me laugh because he had Cinnamon rolls in his hands and said "I'm going to go get Bopp to buy them for $2!!" haha then watching him trying to persuade him to buy them was really funny... but that made my day a little better..
Well after that i went home to work on the lesson for the Young women.. I really searched for the perfect talk to compare with what Megan and I planned for tonight.. i found a great one called "The Need for Greater Kindness" by President Hinkley( our former prophet!! He talked about how there is so much hate in the world and how we should not give into the advisory.. He said that the young women of the church are always so sweet helping one another to grow and to be picked back up.. helping and doing all they can do for others.. he was basically telling the men to be like that!! haha but i think it is great to know we have a power that know one can explain!!.. but anyways..
I set the mood i put up Christmas lights made a center piece and wrote on the chalk board "Kindness, Respect, and Love" these are the key components of the talk.. but it was great.. i read the talk explained that they were about to write something they loved about everyone that was in the room!! we also had the Spanish branch which was great i think the older girls really connect with some of the girls.. they are so nice and i love having them there.. the younger ones are still kinda timid but they are getting there.. there is a girl that is just investigating the church from Klein Oak!!! yes she comes all the way to Magnolia to go to church activities.. its great!! she might go to Priest/Laurel conference with us.. i am so excited and cant wait to see them again!! well the night went great and i think once we start using the things the girls wrote as spot lights on Sunday, they will really appreciate it!!!
You may ask why did you guys do this.. well over the summer some of the girls got into some drama.. Megan and i came up with a plan to fix that.. so now was the time that was opened.. i think it was great!! it also helped the Spanish Branch to open up to the girls even the leaders got involved going around to the girls and getting to know them!! :)
Tonight i just really felt the light of Christ... that feeling is so remarkable and you never want to lose it.. I guess I am doing good because Brother Albers called me tonight to give a talk in church On January 24! about Why I am grateful to be on the Earth today even when times are tough! I'm so excited!!! I am kind of used to talking in church but its great.. i don't mind it at all
well love you all night!!!
Well after that i went home to work on the lesson for the Young women.. I really searched for the perfect talk to compare with what Megan and I planned for tonight.. i found a great one called "The Need for Greater Kindness" by President Hinkley( our former prophet!! He talked about how there is so much hate in the world and how we should not give into the advisory.. He said that the young women of the church are always so sweet helping one another to grow and to be picked back up.. helping and doing all they can do for others.. he was basically telling the men to be like that!! haha but i think it is great to know we have a power that know one can explain!!.. but anyways..
I set the mood i put up Christmas lights made a center piece and wrote on the chalk board "Kindness, Respect, and Love" these are the key components of the talk.. but it was great.. i read the talk explained that they were about to write something they loved about everyone that was in the room!! we also had the Spanish branch which was great i think the older girls really connect with some of the girls.. they are so nice and i love having them there.. the younger ones are still kinda timid but they are getting there.. there is a girl that is just investigating the church from Klein Oak!!! yes she comes all the way to Magnolia to go to church activities.. its great!! she might go to Priest/Laurel conference with us.. i am so excited and cant wait to see them again!! well the night went great and i think once we start using the things the girls wrote as spot lights on Sunday, they will really appreciate it!!!
You may ask why did you guys do this.. well over the summer some of the girls got into some drama.. Megan and i came up with a plan to fix that.. so now was the time that was opened.. i think it was great!! it also helped the Spanish Branch to open up to the girls even the leaders got involved going around to the girls and getting to know them!! :)
Tonight i just really felt the light of Christ... that feeling is so remarkable and you never want to lose it.. I guess I am doing good because Brother Albers called me tonight to give a talk in church On January 24! about Why I am grateful to be on the Earth today even when times are tough! I'm so excited!!! I am kind of used to talking in church but its great.. i don't mind it at all
well love you all night!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Well an update on the girl that i had investigating the church is really not that interested.. but i am still being a friend to her.. and still welcoming her! i think that is one thing i have had to learn is patience especially with the gospel.. some people just need you to be there to planet the seed .. or they are scared to join in the amazing gospel because it so different from their life style.. or they do not want to go through a new journey alone.. Our gospel is a life style and not a life style of the world.. I think as i learn how glorious this gospel is.. and how i strive to learn more and to know more my mind is open to different aspects of the gospel.. i think that is why i love science so much and space because Our Father in Heaven created it and how miraculous it is.. to have the power to create..
Today was a pretty mellow day, i went to Seminary which was a really great lesson on ritual Prodigalism, which Sister O'neal used one of Neal A. Maxwells talks called "answer me" (to explain the meaning) which states : Luke 9:23; see also 3 Ne. 12:30.) The Old Testament advises, “He that ruleth” himself is better “than he that taketh a city.” (Prov. 16:32.) Why do some of our youth risk engaging in ritual prodigalism, intending to spend a season rebelling and acting out in Babylon and succumbing to that devilishly democratic “everybody does it”? It is an ironic implementation of that ancient boast, “One soul shall not be lost.” (Moses 4:1.) Which is to constantly to make bad choices even though you know it's wrong.. Teens in the church are sometimes seen a justifieres.. making things seem okay when really they are not.. No one is perfect but i try to keep all the commandment and to do what is right.. I rely on My heavenly father everyday to guide me through my day and to do the things which he would like me to do..
Well school was okay i actually got a 100 on my math quiz so that was a plus.. then I got to Year Book and was assigned another spread.. which is okay i enjoy doing it... Then after school i came home and went to Karrie's Allen's (Derek's mom) and Grandma Millie Jones (Derek's Grandma) to help with scrapbooking.. which i really enjoy , i learn a lot and i love spending time with them.. It was an easy Monday though i labeled stuff organized letters.. then cut out some things for Millie's Kit.. we finished about 4 then i left with mama Allen and went with her to run Dillon his swim gear =] .. that was fun, we got to talk a little and Derek seems to be liking that i am hanging out with her =] ... Derek's family just has a sweet spirit to them.. they are fun and crazy which is what i am used to =] .. they love unconditional and are great people... It's fun to have girl time..
I got to read an e-mail from Derek today : "Ok so Canada... My trainer is Elder Peck from Utah! way cool guy. We just opened a new area in the mission so I am where no missionary has been! Way cool! It is a little town called Hanover and covers about 20 little towns surrounding it! Its is really out here in farm land with lots of snow! I am always freezing! It got to -17 yesterday! yikes! We do have a nice apartment yet we have already lost our key to our mailbox so we are ordering a new one! Umm I have three new investigators one is a lady named Dorthy, She was my find on the street! We taught her the first lesson, and she and I were teary eyed after I quoted the wonderful first vision to her! The spirit was so strong. She then went and told us how she was healthy but yet she smokes, but wants to stop. I then gave her a brief on the word of wisdom, and how we can help her with THAT! She has such a strong hunger for the word of god! I am really glad to have met her. my days go finding and more finding. we knock door to door all day! By lunch its hard not to be down, you are freezing cold we come in to let ourselves thaw and to eat and are kinda down from all the no and rude comments, but then I see the picture of you and me right next to my Christ picture and I know know why! I am out here so i can catch up to my wonderful amazing girlfriend and her spirituality and to serve my savior Jesus Christ to try to make an attempt to pay a sacrifice for my life for him! Oh i also have a solo in our branch in two weeks wish you could be there, i also play the piano for priesthood! The mission is way fun! Its crazy the first week of this transfer is already over! oh how time is flying! and freezing, cant wait for spring!
Haha he is having a great time and realizes the hard work that goes into a mission.. Can't wait to see how more amazing he is when he gets back!!
Well reading that and not having to wait for letter for 2 weeks really brightened my day!!!
Well that was my day
Love Shanel
Today was a pretty mellow day, i went to Seminary which was a really great lesson on ritual Prodigalism, which Sister O'neal used one of Neal A. Maxwells talks called "answer me" (to explain the meaning) which states : Luke 9:23; see also 3 Ne. 12:30.) The Old Testament advises, “He that ruleth” himself is better “than he that taketh a city.” (Prov. 16:32.) Why do some of our youth risk engaging in ritual prodigalism, intending to spend a season rebelling and acting out in Babylon and succumbing to that devilishly democratic “everybody does it”? It is an ironic implementation of that ancient boast, “One soul shall not be lost.” (Moses 4:1.) Which is to constantly to make bad choices even though you know it's wrong.. Teens in the church are sometimes seen a justifieres.. making things seem okay when really they are not.. No one is perfect but i try to keep all the commandment and to do what is right.. I rely on My heavenly father everyday to guide me through my day and to do the things which he would like me to do..
Well school was okay i actually got a 100 on my math quiz so that was a plus.. then I got to Year Book and was assigned another spread.. which is okay i enjoy doing it... Then after school i came home and went to Karrie's Allen's (Derek's mom) and Grandma Millie Jones (Derek's Grandma) to help with scrapbooking.. which i really enjoy , i learn a lot and i love spending time with them.. It was an easy Monday though i labeled stuff organized letters.. then cut out some things for Millie's Kit.. we finished about 4 then i left with mama Allen and went with her to run Dillon his swim gear =] .. that was fun, we got to talk a little and Derek seems to be liking that i am hanging out with her =] ... Derek's family just has a sweet spirit to them.. they are fun and crazy which is what i am used to =] .. they love unconditional and are great people... It's fun to have girl time..
I got to read an e-mail from Derek today : "Ok so Canada... My trainer is Elder Peck from Utah! way cool guy. We just opened a new area in the mission so I am where no missionary has been! Way cool! It is a little town called Hanover and covers about 20 little towns surrounding it! Its is really out here in farm land with lots of snow! I am always freezing! It got to -17 yesterday! yikes! We do have a nice apartment yet we have already lost our key to our mailbox so we are ordering a new one! Umm I have three new investigators one is a lady named Dorthy, She was my find on the street! We taught her the first lesson, and she and I were teary eyed after I quoted the wonderful first vision to her! The spirit was so strong. She then went and told us how she was healthy but yet she smokes, but wants to stop. I then gave her a brief on the word of wisdom, and how we can help her with THAT! She has such a strong hunger for the word of god! I am really glad to have met her. my days go finding and more finding. we knock door to door all day! By lunch its hard not to be down, you are freezing cold we come in to let ourselves thaw and to eat and are kinda down from all the no and rude comments, but then I see the picture of you and me right next to my Christ picture and I know know why! I am out here so i can catch up to my wonderful amazing girlfriend and her spirituality and to serve my savior Jesus Christ to try to make an attempt to pay a sacrifice for my life for him! Oh i also have a solo in our branch in two weeks wish you could be there, i also play the piano for priesthood! The mission is way fun! Its crazy the first week of this transfer is already over! oh how time is flying! and freezing, cant wait for spring!
Haha he is having a great time and realizes the hard work that goes into a mission.. Can't wait to see how more amazing he is when he gets back!!
Well reading that and not having to wait for letter for 2 weeks really brightened my day!!!
Well that was my day
Love Shanel
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